This week is world Celebrant Week, So I thought I'd share this with you. Each day the Fellowship (FPC is the fellowship I did my course with) set us a question to answer and post every day this week.
10.05.2021 Day 1 when did I take the leap.
I finished work 5th March 2018 and set about setting up my own business. With in a couple of months, I had designed my own website all on my own, the middle of July ES Invites & Occasions was born and out on the Web.
11.05.2021 Day 2 Why did I choose FPC?
I initially thought the person at the front at the crematorium was employed by the crematorium.
It was when I watched The Chase one day someone was a celebrant and they said what they did.
I did my research and found the Fellowship, nice and friendly site, reasonably price and a course in a couple weeks.
Loved it and booked the wedding marriage course too.
12.05.2021 Day 3 What Have I Learned?
I have learned:
How every family is different.
How humble they are for my written words.
How much I love being a celebrant.
How supportive fellow celebrants are.
How much I learn about each family and their life stories.
13.05.2021 Day 4 My Favourite Moments.
My Favourite moments are:
When the phone rings and I'm asked if I'm available.
When I'm asked to do a service for someone who has been to one of my services and has requested me.
When the family comes up to me and says " Thanks Eddie what a lovely service and making the day more bearable"
When I get a lovely review on my Facebook page.
14.05.2021 Day 5 I'm Excited by
I'm excited about where my Celebrant journey is going and waiting for my next call to say "Hi Eddie are you available for a service"